About SplinterCon
- A toolkfit for our fragmented future, APC.org
- Splintercon Brussels Brings Technologists and Activists Together to Confront How to Stay Connected in the Midst of a Complete Internet Shutdown, cdt.org
- SplinterCon 2023 « Fragmentation et liberté : la nouvelle fracture numérique » présenté par eQualitie – Jour 1; Jour 2; LabDelta.ca
- A Splinternet Solution: Empowering Internet Users, by Internet Users – Digital Medusa, September 2024
SplinterCon reports
- SplinterCon’23-25: A Year in Review, splintercon.net
- SplinterCon, Brussels’23: Ecosystems of Digital Resilience , splintercon.net
- SplinterCon Montreal’23: Welcome to Splinternet, splintercon.net
Understanding the Splinternet
- Nationalizing the Internet to Break a Protest Movement: Internet Shutdown and Counter-Appropriation in Iran of Late 2019. – Grinko, M., Qalandar, S., Randall, D., & Wulf, V. (2022). Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2), 1-21.
- Standardising the splinternet: how China’s technical standards could fragment the internet. – Hoffmann, S., Lazanski, D., & Taylor, E. (2020). Journal of Cyber Policy, 5(2), 239-264
- Deciphering Russia’s “Sovereign internet law”: Tightening control and accelerating the Splinternet. – Epifanova, A. (2020).
- Splinternet Ahead? Africa’s Digital Policy in a World of Regions (Doctoral dissertation, University of Johannesburg). – Letswalo, N. (2022).
- The splinternet explained: Everything you need to know. – Hetler, A. (2022).
- Poster: Multi-Dimensional Observation of Splinternet. – Sutherland, E. D., & Phillips, I. (2021).
- ‘Splinternets’: Addressing the renewed debate on internet fragmentation. Perarnaud, C., Julien Rossi, Francesca Musiani and Lucien Castex. 2022.
- Network shutdowns – web series. 1st Department. YouTube. Russian language (with auto translation)
- What is a splinternet? eQualitie, 2023
1. Internet shutdowns – when, how and why
2. These applications may save you when they shut it down
3. The splinternet – how they are dividing the internet and what to do about it
Measuring the practices and impacts of network shutdowns
- Internet Freedom IODA User Guide + Internet Shutdown Rapid Response Protocol
- Destination Unreachable: Characterizing Internet Outages and Shutdowns – IODA, ACM SIGCOMM ’23, September 10–14, 2023, New York
- Government Internet Shutdowns Are Changing. How Should Citizens and
Democracies Respond? – Steven Feldstein, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2022 - Disconnect and conquer, the future of Russian censorship – Teplitsa (Greenhouse for Social Technologies), 2023
- Pulling the plug: How Azerbaijan’s government combines technology and fear to control the internet – Azerbaijan Internet Watch, 2021
- Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022 – AccessNow, 2022
- IGF 2022 – Policy Network on Internet Fragmentation – January 2023
- Internet Impact Assessment Toolkit: Introduction, 2020, Internet Society
- Borders and gateways: measuring and analyzing national as chokepoints. – Leyba, K. G., Edwards, B., Freeman, C., Crandall, J. R., & Forrest, S. (2019, July). In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (pp. 184-194)
- As hegemony: A robust metric for as centrality. – Fontugne, R., Shah, A., & Aben, E. (2017). In Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Posters and Demos (pp. 48-50).
- Raman, R. S., Virkud, A., Laplante, S., Fortuna, V., & Ensafi, R. (2023). Advancing the art of censorship data analysis. Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI).
- Sundara Raman, R., Shenoy, P., Kohls, K., & Ensafi, R. (2020, October). Censored planet: An internet-wide, longitudinal censorship observatory. In proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications security (pp. 49-66).
- Graph Metrics for Internet Robustness–A Survey. – Oehlers, M., & Fabian, B. (2021).arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05554.
- The Internet in Crimea: a case study on routing interregnum. – Fontugne, R., Ermoshina, K., & Aben, E. (2020, June). In 2020 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking) (pp. 809-814). IEEE.
Solutions for staying connected during a shutdown
- Assessing the feasibility of Starlink as a censorship circumvention tool, University of Michigan, 2024
- How To Protect the Internet from Becoming the Splinternet, 2022, Internet Society
- Dolphin: a cellular voice based internet shutdown resistance system (Doctoral dissertation, IIIT-Delhi) – Sharma, R., Chakravarty, S., & Maity, M. (2022).
- Freedombox for Communities: free software servers for community networks
- Alnashwan, R., & Mokhtar, H. (2019, May). Disaster management system over Wifi direct. In 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information Security (ICCAIS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Improving Emergency Preparedness and Response in Rural Areas. – Doke, K., Affinnih, H. O., Yuan, Q., Gasco-Hernandez, M., Gil-Garcia, J. R., Bogdanov, P., & Zheleva, M. (2021, June). In ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (pp. 66-78).
- “I want my voice to be heard: Ip over voice-over-ip for unobservable censorship circumvention.” – A. Houmansadr, T. J. Riedl, N. Borisov, and A. C. Singer, in NDSS, 2013.
- “Decoy routing: Toward unblockable internet communication.” – J. Karlin, D. Ellard, A. W. Jackson, C. E. Jones, G. Lauer, D. Mankins, and W. T. Strayer,in FOCI, 2011.
- Low-cost wireless mesh communications based on openWRT and voice over internet protocol. – Aminah, N. S., Raharjo, M. R. R., & Budiman, M. (2021). International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 11(6), 5119.
- Connectivity sharing for wireless mesh networks. – Batbayar, K. (2022).
- Secure scuttlebutt: An identity-centric protocol for subjective and decentralized applications. – Tarr, D., Lavoie, E., Meyer, A., & Tschudin, C. (2019, September). In Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on information-centric networking (pp. 1-11).
- The MAZI toolkit for do-it-yourself networking. “The community network manual: how to build the Internet yourself”. – Niavis, H., Maglavera, S., Dadoukis, A., & Mavridis, J. (2018).
- DIY community WiFi networks: Insights on participatory design. Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2019, May). In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-6).
- HF Radio. Guide for facilitators and community installers. Peter Bloom. 2022
Anything missing?