Tech Journalist

Marion Moreau is an independent journalist, founder of Hors Normes Media, expert for major TV, Radio and online media (BFM Business, Les Echos, L’Express). She has 25 years of experience in the tech sector, starting her career late in he 90’s, collaborating with Club Internet web portal. She used to be Editor-in-Chief for FrenchWeb, the very first tech French ecosystem report that highly contributed to shape the french startup scene. She is also  the author of We Love Entrepreneurs TV documentary, a picture of tech leaders in Europe and the Silicon Valley. 

She founded Sigfox Foundation in 2015 with two engineers, a non-profit organisation using low and resilient technologies to protect lives. She rolled-out a first IoT solution in Antarctica to help researchers to be safely localized, in collaboration with Belgium Polar Station. She also helped to build a remote monitoring solution of wild rhinos in Africa with International Rhino Foundation, an award-winning project by World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in 2019.