call for participation –
fragmentation as a global experience

Deadline for submissions: September 15, 2024

We are excited to invite you to contribute to the upcoming SplinterCon episode, which will take place in Portugal as part of the Global Gathering—a premier international event bringing together advocates for Internet Freedom from around the world. This edition of SplinterCon will embrace the transnational spirit of our host event, focusing on the theme: Fragmentation as a Global Experience.

Network fragmentation is no longer confined to local or regional issues; it has become a global phenomenon with far-reaching implications. The concept of the “Splinternet” is multi-dimensional, encompassing various forms of fragmentation—from state-driven initiatives toward infrastructural and data sovereignty to vendor lock-ins at the software and platform levels. Understanding these layers of fragmentation is essential as we navigate the complexities of our interconnected digital landscape.

submission categories

We invite proposals for the following session formats:

  • Lightning Talks and Tool Demos (up to 15 minutes): Focused presentations that analyze or demonstrate solutions for issues related to network isolation, internet shutdowns, digital sovereignty, and the Splinternet.
  • Workshops (1 hour): Interactive sessions designed to engage participants in exploring strategies and tools to address these challenges.

important details

  • Eligibility: This event is open exclusively to verified participants and ticket holders of the Global Gathering. The SplinterCon team is unable to provide event tickets or travel support. Only submissions from registered attendees will be considered for selection.
  • Submission Deadline: Please submit your proposals by September 15, 2024.
Global Gathering CFP

Applicant details


Proposal details

Maximum file size: 104.86MB