We invite you to join the upcoming
SplinterCon episode, set to take place in
Portugal alongside the Global Gathering —
a premier international event for Internet
Freedom advocates worldwide. This edition of SplinterCon celebrates the transnational spirit
of our host event and will center on the theme
of Fragmentation as a Global Experience.

Network fragmentation is no longer a localised 
issue; it has evolved into a global trend with 
significant implications. The phenomenon of the Splinternet is multi-faceted, manifesting in 
various forms — from state-driven shifts 
towards infrastructural and data sovereignty, 
to vendor lock-ins at the software and 
platform levels. Understanding these 
layers of fragmentation is crucial as we 
navigate the complexities of our 
interconnected world.

Have a concept for a circle?

Submit your proposal and
join us at the Global Gathering